IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photorejuvenation treatment was performed using wavelengths of light that target dark spots on the face. The heat energy absorbed by the skin also stimulates collagen production and will continue to smooth out the skin texture with subsequent treatments. Before and after photos were taken 21 days (3 weeks) apart. IPL is a form of broadband light. Dr. Lum now uses a a combination of two lasers to target pigmented lesions in appropriate patients and improve skin texture.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photorejuvenation: Before and after photos were taken 2 weeks apart. Palomar StarLux 300 was used to selectively target more darkly pigmented cells. Absorbed light converted to heat created controlled injury, which makes the skin heal in a condition better than it was at baseline. Improvements were seen in skin color, superficial volume, texture, tone and tightness.